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Cycles & Stacks

 Dianabol Cycle -1
 Dianabol Cycle -2
 Testosterone Cycle-1
 Testosterone Cycle-2
 Testa/Deca Cycle
 Sustanon Cycle
 Anabolic-Androgenic Bi-Phasic Stack
 Non-Toxic Oral (Lean Mass Cycle)
 Deca/D-Bol (Mass Buider)
 Proviron/Deca/Winstrol (Cutting/Lean Mass Cycle)
 Anavar/Primo (Cutting Cycle)
 Tren/Winstrol (Cutting Cycle)
 Tren/Test/Deca (Mass Builder)
 Equipoise/Test (Mass Builder)
 Short Anadrol/Test (Mass Buider)
 Super Test Cycle(Mass Builder)
 Equipoise/Suspensions Stack (Lean Mass Builder)
 15 Week Mass Builder
 22 Week Super Blitz Lean Mass Cycle


 Anabolic Steroid Information
 Anabolic Steroids
 Basic Uses of Steroids
 Effects of Steroids
 3 Most Effective Steroids
 8 BodyBuilding tips
 Deca Durabolin
 DHT (dihydrotestosterone)


 2,4 Dinitrophenol
 DNP in Bodybuilding
 Using DNP
 DNP Weight Loss
 DNP Fat Loss
 DNP: The Secret Weapon to Burn Fat
 Side Effects of DNP

Proviron/Deca/Winstrol (Cutting/Lean Mass Cycle)

Products: 7x Proviron (25mg/ tablet- 20 Tablet/Box), 1x Decabolon 200 (Nandrolone Deconate 200mg/mL),1x Winstrol (10mg/Tablet 100 Tablet/Box), 3x Tamoxifen 10mg/50 tablet

All Weeks: Estrogen Support: Tamoxifen (20-40mg/day)
Cholosterol Support: Lipid Stabil (3 caps/day) and fishy oil (4g/day)

Comments: This is an exteremely effective Lean-Mass Building/Cutting Cycle. The Proviron adds good androgen content to nandrolone base, which often is too anabolic to use on its own. The Winstrol added lately greatly enchansesthe fat burning and anabolic nature of the combination.

Week Proviron Decabolon Winstrol Tamoxifen
1   200mg   10mg/day
2 50mg/day 200mg   20mg/day
3 50mg/day 200mg   20mg/day
4 50mg/day 200mg   20mg/day
5 50mg/day 200mg 20mg/day 20mg/day
6 50mg/day 200mg 20mg/day 20mg/day
7 50mg/day 200mg 20mg/day 20mg/day
8 50mg/day 200mg 20mg/day 20mg/day
9 50mg/day 200mg 20mg/day 20mg/day
10 50mg/day 200mg 20mg/day 20mg/day
11 50mg/day   20mg/day 20mg/day


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