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Cycles & Stacks

 Dianabol Cycle -1
 Dianabol Cycle -2
 Testosterone Cycle-1
 Testosterone Cycle-2
 Testa/Deca Cycle
 Sustanon Cycle
 Anabolic-Androgenic Bi-Phasic Stack
 Non-Toxic Oral (Lean Mass Cycle)
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 Anavar/Primo (Cutting Cycle)
 Tren/Winstrol (Cutting Cycle)
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 Equipoise/Test (Mass Builder)
 Short Anadrol/Test (Mass Buider)
 Super Test Cycle(Mass Builder)
 Equipoise/Suspensions Stack (Lean Mass Builder)
 15 Week Mass Builder
 22 Week Super Blitz Lean Mass Cycle


 Anabolic Steroid Information
 Anabolic Steroids
 Basic Uses of Steroids
 Effects of Steroids
 3 Most Effective Steroids
 8 BodyBuilding tips
 Deca Durabolin
 DHT (dihydrotestosterone)


 2,4 Dinitrophenol
 DNP in Bodybuilding
 Using DNP
 DNP Weight Loss
 DNP Fat Loss
 DNP: The Secret Weapon to Burn Fat
 Side Effects of DNP

Letrozole 1mg (Letrozole)

Letrozole 1mg

Letro, as it is most commonly called, was originally developed to help treat breast cancer in women. It can also have benefits to bodybuilders who are very sensitive to estrogen related side effects, or who are in heavy bulking cycles and taking large amounts of aromatizing hormones such as testosterone. This product is extremely potent at blocking estrogen in the body, and studies typically show that a relatively low dose of Letro can eliminate up to 98% of the estrogen in the body. Some subjects have even been shown to have no estrogen at all in their bodies after being administered Letro.

While too much estrogen can be harmful and bring about unwanted side effects, it's important that bodybuilders don't totally eliminate estrogen all together, for its presence is vital for optimum muscle growth and also for keeping a healthy sex drive.

 Another use for Letro might come to those who have already suffered from the estrogen related side effect, gyno. This is due to the fact that Letro has actually been shown to reverse the effects of this condition in some. There is no guarantee however, but if you have already begun seeing the symptoms of gyno, then it is probably worth giving Letro a shot and seeing if it can help.

This product could also be useful to those bodybuilders who are in contest prep and looking to be as dry as possible. Those using Letro will typically take 2.5-5.0 mg a day. Anything more than this will generally reduce estrogen too much in the body and hinder one’s sex drive.

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